Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Why Men Should Wear Burqas

Now that an almost insane number of blog posts have been written about whether women should wear burqas, it is about time that someone wondered if men should. Twisted DNA on why men should wear burqas -

- Your wife won't nag you saying "Didn't you wear the same shirt yesterday?"
- Nobody will know where you are looking. Just saying, not that you will check out girls or anything.
- 'Dressing up' for dinner only involves wearing formal shoes. These events will be called 'black shoelace events'.
The Devil's imagination is vivid with wicked possibilities.

Wicked Meter Rating: 8/10.

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1 Wicked Comments:

Anonymous said...

But they do! the Tuareg tribe in West Africa where the men go veiled while the women do not!!!!