Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wicked, Wicked Baby

The thing with being wicked is that you need to turn on the charm too - just look at how well babies do it! Ayaan is amused as he brings up his parents. An unsuspecting Rohini reports -

Height of Challenge: Ayaan trying to help me with the laundry. To start with, he wants to take the clothes out of the laundry hamper that just happens to be taller than him. Then he wants to carry the clothes to the machine. At first, he tries to lift the whole pile. After attempting this for a while, he decides to scale down his ambitions a bit and picks up a smaller part of the pile. He then takes it to the machine and puts it in. He continues to repeat this till all the clothes are moved but he gets more and more tired so the clothes are dropped off at various points in the route to the washing machine. So the end result is no clothes near the hamper, 3-4 clothes in the machine and all the rest in a long trail from the hamper to the machine.
The Devil loves wicked babies, especially when they are being wicked to their own parents.

Wicked Meter Rating: 7/10.

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1 Wicked Comments:

Anonymous said...

What a great story! It seems like your baby is EVIL :)! Here is a link to the perfect shirt for your baby:
