Alpana Pours Some, Then Bites Some Too
Manish from Ultrabrown profiles Alpana Singh - 29 year old Fijian desi, college-dropout, could-be US Airforce pilot, master somelier and author of 'Alpana Pours' - Technorati Tags: Desi, Wicked, Funny, Alpana Singh, Alpana PoursBasically, it’s like a chick-book about dating meets a wine book. For example, wine tasting is kind of like speed dating. You go in, and you find the feel for the event, understand that you’ll spend 30 seconds for each wine and feel the impression for yes or no… Wine tastings are like that. You get that general impression; some you know right away that you’re not going to like, others you’re thinking, ‘maybe I’ll walk around with you for a bit,’ and others you’re exclaiming, ‘Slam dunk, where do I buy this?’
While the profile itself is a series of excerpts and not quite wicked, the title ('Alpana Bites') and the photograph definitely are -Wicked Meter Rating: 5/10.
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