Monday, November 20, 2006

The Devil is an Equal Opportunity Lover

How is dating a Mumbai boy different from dating a Delhi/ Chennai/ Bangalore boy? Ideasmith writes the ultimate guide to dating men from different cities -

The Chennai boy: Very polite and courteous but he doesn’t open doors or pull out our chairs for us; he doesn’t seem to realize that’s what passes for chivalry in some places. He also apologizes each time a friend of his mentions alcohol or meat, but after a long conversation with this Mumbai girl, figures he should treat her like one of the guys and lets us in on the secrets of his booze binges and parties cooking chicken in buckets behind the hostels. We finds all that very funny but we is not in the least bit amused to know that he thinks we is the wild, wanton Mumbai girl, and tells his family (and soon our family) that.
The Devil is an equal opportunity lover; The Devil likes all women, period.

Wicked Meter Rating: 6/10.

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